Unless you don’t do a whole lot of baking you have to be pretty sheltered to not have seen the price of vanilla over the past year. Two or more years ago, I could get 16 oz of vanilla from Costco for about $10. Yes, that was a better […]
Gourmet Food Storage – “Souper” Simple, “Souper” Necessary, and “Souper” Delicious
I don’t know about you, but when I was growing up, many of the meals that I helped my mother make called for a can of “Cream of” (fill in the blank) soup. Oftentimes, it was cream of mushroom soup in our family. I remember, growing up, one of my […]
Gourmet Food Storage – Amazing Alfredo Sauce with a Twist
What’s your favorite type of pasta? Is it the all familiar spaghetti? How about spiral pasta like my Mom uses for pasta salad? Or maybe you like manicotti? Or, maybe you know someone who loves fettuccini! My family’s favorite pasta, however, is whatever kind of pasta I can find covered in […]
Serious DIY Series – It’s Time to See Things Clearly
I once heard a story that went something along the following lines. A young couple moved into a new neighborhood. They enjoyed eating dinner each evening in their dining room which overlooked both theirs and their neighbor’s backyard. One day the young woman remarked to her husband, “Our neighbor has […]
Serious DIY Series! My Super Secret to Easily Spreadable Fruit Preserves
Strawberry Jam Packed Family When I was growing up, one of the activities we used to do as a family was pick strawberries. We’d load up in our car or van and drive to a U-Pick strawberry farm. We would each start with a 4-quart basket and go at it. […]
5 Amazing Food Storage Desserts
Do the phrases Food Storage and dessert seem incompatible to you? I mean if you are living on food storage who would want to “waste” valuable resources on dessert, right? Wrong. Why Dessert? How many of you out there have ever read Swiss Family Robinson or seen the movie version? […]
Gourmet Food Storage – The Ultimate Comfort Food!
So, If I say, “comfort food” what comes to mind for you? Is it pizza? Maybe it’s mashed potatoes or fried chicken. Or for some of you, it might be oozy, gooey, macaroni and cheese. I’m not talking about boxed, flat tasting macaroni and cheese. The kind I’m talking about […]
What I’m Thankful For
Or for those of you who are more “grammarly” minded, “The Things for Which I Am Thankful.” Somehow that just didn’t sound right as a post title despite being correct grammar. For those of you who read my blog on a regular basis, you may have been expecting to read a […]
Serious DIY Series – One Chore I Don’t Mind Doing
And, no the one chore that I don’t mind doing isn’t sheep wrestling, it’s LAUNDRY! Yes, call me crazy, but I’d take doing laundry over cooking or dishes any day of the week. Before I get into a bit of info on laundry and how to make your own wool […]
Serious DIY Series! Taking Stock of the Situation
“Eat Mor Chikin” broth. Okay, maybe it should be “Drink” more chicken broth, but I love Chick-Fil-A’s advertising campaign! I don’t know about you, but for me, in my busy stage of life, there is something to be said for convenience. Even when convenience is the word of the day […]