Did you know that there are TONS of kinds of flours? There’s wheat flour – what most people refer to as “flour.” There are other grain flours like buckwheat flour, amaranth flour, spelt flour, and barley flour. Then you have more alternative flours like almond flour and coconut flour. Most […]
Serious DIY Series – Three Varieties of Homemade Mustard
It’s the middle of May one of the most beautiful months of the year. The sky is blue. Birds are singing. Temperatures are moderate, and there’s a nice breeze blowing through your backyard. The smell of grilled hot dogs wafting off your barbecue is tantalizing. You reach for a bun, use […]
Gourmet Food Storage – Ah-Mazing 3 Ingredient Snack
I don’t know how many times I’ve mentioned that I HATE to cook. Yea, I do it. Yea, I’m good at it, but it’s one of those skills I’m thankful for to a point and not much beyond that. So for me and consequently my family CONVENIENCE is the name […]
Serious DIY Series – One Way to Prevent Infections
There are so many types of infections! There are ear infections, urinary tract infections. How about eye infections and skin infections. Infections can be a real problem now. I’ve read about one mom who lived more than an hour from a hospital. In the middle of an ice storm, her child […]
Save Money on Long-Term Food Storage Every Day of the Week
There are few things I love more than getting a bargain and saving money. Having a well-organized house is one of them, but the ability to find a good bargain in order to save money is high up there on my list. I used to almost be a professional couponer. […]
Gourmet Food Storage – Got Milk? No, I Don’t Mean Powdered Milk.
So let me ask you all a question – Do you know someone who is gluten intolerant? I’m betting you know at least several! How about someone who is allergic to eggs? That would be a hard one to swallow (or not to swallow in this case) in our family! […]
Serious DIY Series – I Scoured the Earth Over
Well, okay, actually I just scoured my sink with homemade scouring powder, but it was the cleanest sink ever by the time I was done! Whether you are interested in a very SIMPLE way to SAVE some MONEY now or you need to keep things clean when you don’t have […]
Serious DIY Series – The Key to Oral Hygiene DIY Style
If I asked you if good oral health is important. I’m betting that 99/100 of you would tell me, “Well of course it is!” or “Duh, yea.” or some other creative affirmative response. Now if I asked you WHY good oral health is important that is something I think […]
5 Basic Systems of Self-Sufficiency
What is self-sufficiency? If I asked you what self-sufficiency is, what would your answer be? I asked that very question on my personal page and on my facebook group last week. These were some of the responses I got. “To have all that you need or the ability to do/make/get […]
Gourmet Food Storage – The Proof Is in the Pudding!
Have you ever had real pudding? I’m not talking about that instant boxed stuff from the store. I’m talking about the kind of pudding that you have to cook on the stove? OOoooooooo. I could just sigh with joy at the thought of it. Okay, you may laugh, but […]