People with diabetes and insulin resistance can struggle to find the right foods for their diets when everything is going smoothly. I have a close family member who has diabetes, and I’ve watched her as she has worked to adjust her diet. I see her struggle as she looks for […]
Six Preparedness Systems for Every Vehicle
How much time do you spend in your vehicle? For most of us, it’s a lot less time than we normally spent in our vehicles last year. But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t days that I feel like I live in my car. Since I spend more time in […]
Bug-Out Bag Breakfasts for Diabetics
As I was going through my e-mail recently, I received an excellent question from one of my readers. Anne-Marie wrote in and asked me this, “Over the last couple of years I’ve gotten more into having an emergency car bag ( I live in South Dakota) and grab and go […]
Preparing Your Vehicle for Everyday Emergencies
For as long as I can remember, I have understood the concept that emergencies can easily happen while I’m out and about. Because of that, I started preparing my backpack for everyday emergencies. As it is, my mom already calls my backpack a suitcase. Yea, it can be that heavy. […]
5 Tips for Setting Up Your Family’s Bug-Out Food Menu
After most weddings and funerals, we eat a meal. When a couple is celebrating an anniversary, going out to eat is oftentimes part of the celebration. I don’t know about at your house, but at our house, the entire family goes out to eat for birthdays. Mother’s Day and Father’s […]
Get Ready for Summer with Homemade Barbeque Sauce!
We are one week from officially being in summer. One of my favorite things about summer in the outdoor cooking, and what condiment goes better with summer than Barbeque Sauce! So today, I’m going to share a super simple recipe with you that we’ve used in the past and plan […]
3 Purposes of Bug-Out Bag Food – 2 of Which You Likely Never Considered
It’s easy to look at the food in our bug-out bags and think that its only purpose is to keep our stomachs from grumbling for three days. But our bug-out bag food serves a higher purpose than simply keeping our stomachs from reminding us we haven’t eaten in a few […]
5 Criteria For Bug-Out Bag Food for the Family
When someone says the word ‘preparedness,’ what’s the first thing that pops into your head? If you’re a woman – likely the first thing that comes to mind is something related to food. More often than not, we women are the ones that take charge of making sure that our […]
Semi-Annual Bug-Out Bag Swap-Out – Should We Upgrade Our Equipment
In the last post, we spent time going over what to look for when you’re checking through your equipment in your Bug-Out-Bag. But how do you know if it’s time to upgrade your equipment? Ask yourself the following questions (1) Is my old item well-worn and starting to wear out? […]
Semi-Annual Bug-Out-Bag Check and Swap-Out
With the advent of warmer weather, it’s time to test our equipment and swap out our clothes and food. I’m doing a short series on our Semi-Annual Bug-Out-Bag Check and Swap-Out. Today we’re going to focus on making sure that our equipment functions properly. If you’ve never built a Bug-Out-Bag […]