Get Ready for Summer with Homemade Barbeque Sauce!

We are one week from officially being in summer.  One of my favorite things about summer in the outdoor cooking, and what condiment goes better with summer than Barbeque Sauce!  So today, I’m going to share a super simple recipe with you that we’ve used in the past and plan to use many times this summer.

The great thing about this recipe is that it’s very easily made entirely from food storage items.

You can pair this BBQ sauce with hamburgers, pulled pork, grilled chicken breasts or legs, use it in barbeque baked beans, barbeque meatballs (this is one of my favorites!), sweet and sour pork and SO MANY more things!  Need some more ideas for what to use BBQ sauce for?  You can find 53 uses of barbeque sauce here.

So let’s get cooking!

Barbecue Sauce


Start with the water in a bowl.  Slowly add the tomato powder to it, whisking it together.  I have used a small tea strainer to get the clumps out of the tomato powder.  Add the rest of the ingredients one at a time whisking them together as you go.

This is a bit of a sweet barbecue sauce.  If you prefer yours less sweet, use 1/4 C of honey instead of 1/3 C.

A note about my spice choices

I purchase almost all of my spices exclusively from Azure Standard.  Not only is the quality amazing!  The prices are wonderful – better than even stores like Costco and Sam’s.  The only place that I’ve found better prices is at Amish Store, so unless you live near one of those, I’d highly suggest that you check out Azure.

Want to learn how to make other condiments from scratch?

Condiments are one of the easiest things you can make from scratch – and it’s a great way to save money on your grocery bill!

Mayo anyone?

Ketchup is king!

Please don’t cut the mustard.

What About You?

Do you have a favorite barbecue sauce recipe that you can make entirely from food storage?  Share with us in the comments!