6 Items You Need to Consider Before Packing Your Bug Out Bag

Six Items You Need to Consider Before Packing Your Bug Out BagBug out bags seem to be one of the topics that everyone loves to discuss.  Ohhh.  Let’s have this list of stuff to put together so I can be prepared.   It’s the easy way to prepare – packing your bug out bag.  Unfortunately many people have bug out bags but nothing else.

But the subject of bug out bags needs to be a discussion of more than just a checklist of stuff to go into your bag.  We need to make sure that our bug out bags not only have the basics covered but that they are completely tailored to YOU.  Each of us has different needs and capabilities.  We need to take these into consideration BEFORE we pack up our bug out bags.

All that being said, what things should we spend some time pondering and planning for before we even begin to put a single item in your bug out bag?

Putting Together Your Bug Out Bag

Before packing your bug out bag consider –

(1) Your Backpack

I’ve established the fact that most of the time bugging out will not find you walking through a forest looking for a good place for you to call home again.  Your backpack will more than likely be sitting on your lap, beside your feet, or in the car or trunk of your vehicle.  In the event that you do have to walk a little ways – even if it’s just from your car to your hotel room, you want your backpack to be a reasonably comfortable one.


Before packing your bug out bag consider –

2.) The Weight of Your Backpack

I’ve read a lot of blog articles that say that your backpack can’t be heavy at all.  The picture with this point pokes good fun at people who think they can carry a bug out bag as large as themselves.   Even I know that’s just not going to happen.  But at the same time, the chances that you will actually bug out because it’s the end of the world as we know it (TEOTWAWKI), is so slim compared to bugging out for other reasons.  So while you’re backpack shouldn’t be so heavy that it’s really uncomfortable, feel free to include necessary items.  You may just want to leave the cast iron at home.

Putting Together Your Bug Out Bag

Before packing your bug out bag consider –

3.) Your Limitations

Everyone of us has limitations.   You might not think you do, but you do.  Do your knees ache?  Do you have trouble reading a map?  Are you nursing?  Do you panic during difficult events?  Each of us has something that holds us back, physically, emotionally, or mentally.  But in many cases, there are ways that items that we put in our bug out bags can actually help our limitations.  Do you have a problem with your knees?  Maybe your bug out bag should contain a knee brace.  Do you struggle with the route to your bug out location?  Maybe you should keep a cheat sheet to help you find your way?  If you are nursing, make sure that you pack nursing pads, lanolin, and any other nursing accoutrements.

Putting Together Your Bug Out Bag

Before packing your bug out bag consider –

4.)  How far are you going?

How far you are going will, in part, determine what and how much will go in your bug out bag.  If you are driving 2 hours away, you will have different needs than if your bug out location is 1-2 days drive away.  You’ll need to make sure that your food, liquid, and personal toiletries (especially for us women) are taken into consideration.

Putting Together Your Bug Out Bag

Before packing your bug out bag consider –

5.)  Shoes are important!

When we’re discussing bugging out, shoes are important for several reasons.  First off, depending on the level of tragedy, these may be your last pair of shoes for awhile.  If you are leaving because a hurricane is bearing down on your position, you’ll still want comfortable, durable shoes for the journey and for when you come home.  When we bugged out because we were hit by a tornado, having durable shoes really helped when coming home and we had to clean up all the debris.

Putting Together Your Bug Out Bag

Before packing your bug out bag consider –

6.)  Downtime

Whether you are driving or sitting in a hotel room, you will have some kind of downtime at some point as you bug out.  You can plan for this by bringing a book that you know you’ll enjoy, a travel-sized game, or a deck of cards.  Both of these will help pass the time as you have any downtime either on the way or once you get there.

What About You?

Is there anything else that you would include as considerations before you start packing your bug out bag?  Please share them in the comments so that we can all be better prepared.

You’ve got this, Mama!



  1. bug out bags are as simple as a backpackers check list, as far as weapons go they are extra. depending on the shtf scenario, I’d be more worried about how to hide stuff so when you can return you have not been robbed blind. nothing like missing the disaster and having been looted while gone.

  2. With regard to weight of the backpack, here is my approach: Most of the time, this bag sits in the back of my van. Load it up with as much as it will hold! The van is doing the heavy lifting. If something happens that requires me to grab and go on foot, I am prepared to jettison less necessary items. I pack my items in my bag in zippered pouches, and depending on the emergency, some of those pouches are less necessary than others. Also, shoes will come out of the bag and onto my feet, and food will be consumed along the way.