The days are still fairly warm, but the evenings are starting to get chilly. After the sun goes down, which is earlier and earlier, I can’t sit out on our back porch swing without a jacket or sweater. Fall is definitely in the air around here. The trees, which have […]
Author: MrsKarenSMorris
5 Ways to Light Your House During a Power Outage
It’s ALMOST Fall! With fall, we can often experience storms – especially where we live on the prairie. And one of the results of having little storms on the prairie (too much?) is our power tends to go out fairly easily. So how do we make sure that we’re ready […]
The Three-Legged Stool of Preparedness
Oftentimes we think of Preparedness in terms of what we have. Do we have enough groceries to go A Year Without the Grocery Store? How about making sure that we have enough personal care items or household repair supplies? That can feel so overwhelming in itself, but it also pigeonholes […]
The Easiest Homemade Pizza You’ll Ever Make – Psst It’s Food Storage
Every Friday, we have a tradition that my kids love! We take my mom and father-in-law grocery shopping. Okay. That’s not the part that they love. They love what comes AFTER off-loading all of the groceries. We sit down together and eat pizza and watch a movie. For us, we […]
Start Prepping Here – Basics of Water Storage and Usage
We’ve all heard the laws of 3’s. You can live 3 minutes without air, 3 days without water, and 3 weeks without food. Water is high up on the list and unfortunately, we need it for so many things! It isn’t just for drinking. We need water to clean our […]
Fire Starting Without Matches- 5 Simple and Easy Ways
When we are cooking without power – especially if we’re cooking over a firepit – we need to be able to start a fire. But what if we don’t have matches? Yes, we’ve all seen the bow-drill method. Yes, we’ve probably watched Survivor and seen people start a fire with […]
15 Places To Find Free Firewood
I don’t usually start thinking about firewood until much later in the course of the year. But this year with rumors of rolling brown-outs, with the prices of electricity, natural gas, and propane already going out of the roof, I’m taking proactive steps to make sure we’re well stocked. Keep reading […]
How to Make Water Potable – 6 Simple or Cheap Ways – Part 2
Last week, we began our discussion on 5 Ways to Make Water Potable – Part 1. This week, we’re going to continue this discussion with more – SIMPLE, CHEAP, and even SUPRISING ways to take any water and make it drinkable. *** Have you ever noticed that you don’t see […]
Vehicle Preparedness and Staying Safe on the Go
Most of my readers are probably aware that we lived in Ferguson, Missouri, at the time of the riots. It was a tough time for our city, but it was a tough time for our family. In 2014, our five children were ages 3-12. My husband worked thirty minutes away […]
Vehicle Preparedness – First Aid Emergencies
You’re out at a park with your kids, and they’re having a blast. For summer, it’s a fairly cool day in the mid-80’s. The sky is the soft blue of a lovely day. Even with the blue of the sky, there are plenty of clouds to douse the intensity of […]