By Caleb Cleek Preparedness Preparedness means different things to different people. For some, it may mean having supplies on hand to make it through a winter storm with no power and impassable roads; the goal is to feed the family for a couple of days until food can once again […]
Author: MrsKarenSMorris
Prepper Kit #9 – Cooking Without Power – Simple and Easy!
Do you love cooking? Or are you a bit more like me and you can cook, but you only really tolerate it? On my Instagram page, one of the monikers with which I describe myself is “reluctant kitchen engineer. I don’t like to cook when I have all my conveniences. […]
A Tour of My Storage Room
How do you roll with your food storage? Do you keep all your items in one place? Do you stash them around your house in spots where you can eek out room? I’ll give you a tour of my prepper storage area, but first I want to cover a couple […]
What if Ebola Struck in the US? – Putting Together Your Pandemic Kit
Did you know that last month there was an Ebola scare in Sweden? A man showed up at a hospital in the town of Enkoping, Sweden vomiting blood. He was quickly transferred to the Uppsala University hospital. It’s easy to brush this off. I mean, it was only in Europe, right? […]
Six Questions to Answer BEFORE You Need to Bug Out
As I’ve written about in another post, I had the unfortunate opportunity to bug out three times, and I’ve learned a lot of lessons doing it. Before Christmas, I promised you all that I would do a series that included Bug-Out-Bags. As I got to brainstorming I realized that there’s […]
What Is Your Ultimate Goal – Simplicity or Convenience?
You get up in the morning and throw a breakfast sandwich in the microwave, and you wash it down with the coffee that brewed automatically at 7:00 am. After breakfast, you hop in a hot shower. You use a blow dryer and curling iron to fix your hair, and head […]
Prepper Kit #7 – Schooling Kit
Meet Frank and Ruth Have you heard the story of Frank and Ruth? Frank was a 53-year-old Vietnam war veteran and Ruth’s father. Ruth was his eight-year-old daughter. They moved to the Pacific Northwest with nothing but the clothes they were wearing in hopes of Frank finding a job and […]
What Role (If Any) Does Physical Fitness Play in Preparedness?
Does Physical Fitness Play a Role in Preparedness? I’ve had to bug out a total of three times. Living through a tornado hitting our home and through the Ferguson Riots gave me several opportunities to practice. One of the things that I learned from my experience is that bugging out rarely […]
Cold or Flu? & What to Do
“It’s that time of year,” no, not “when the world falls in love.” It’s the time of year when cold and flu season are in full swing. Fortunately, for us, this year the flu isn’t quite as virulent or widespread as it was last year. In our house last year, […]
Prepper Kit #6 – Water Treatment Kit
I’ve written about water and its importance probably more than I’ve blogged on any other single subject, and that’s because water is one of the most overlooked and necessary preps. But what about not only storing water. What about being prepared for water filtration in case you need to clean […]