One great way of being prepared for winter is to put together a kit full of things that you may need in the case of a winter storm. Why should we put together a kit? I remember, about ten years ago, my husband had been flown to a town in […]
Author: MrsKarenSMorris
Five Enemies of Food Storage and How to Defeat Them
Superman has his arch enemy – Lex Luther. The kingdom of Gondor has a hated enemy – Sauron. The Avengers were almost defeated by their nemesis – Thanos. There are even enemies of food storage. Today, we’ll go through these five enemies of food storage and how to defeat them. […]
Normal People Preparing for TEOTWAWKI – The Time for Failure Is Now
Failure has gotten a bad rap. No one wants to fail and, can we blame them? Which sounds more prestigious? (1) I just got demoted at my job. (2) My boss was so happy with my performance that he announced my name during a company meeting. Well, duh! The vast […]
6 Ways Create Water Storage for Emergencies or Long-Term Use
Recently, I hopped out of bed and headed to shower only to find ice-cold water. And all of us know that when it comes to showers, an ice-cold shower is as good as NO SHOWER! So that was problem #1. Problem #2, I hadn’t had a shower the day before […]
Normal People Preparing for TEOTWAWKI – Outfitting Your Bug-Out Vehicle
We’ve done a lot of talking about “The End of the World as We Know It” or TEOTWAWKI. In the first post that kicked off this series, “Bugging Out vs. TEOTWAWKI – Don’t Get Them Confused,” our whole premise was that just because TEOTWAWKI happened, doesn’t mean that we are […]
Normal People Preparing for TEOTWAWKI – Communication is King
One of my greatest fears when it comes to TEOTWAWKI is that I’m going to be separated from my kids. If I’m out running errands in the nearby town that I do most of my shopping in and we experience an EMP while I’m out, I’m concerned that I won’t […]
10 Outdoor Tools for Self-Sufficiency
Last week, the temperature here in central Illinois was in the mid 70’s. Then two days ago, it got cold – down to 32 degrees. Oh, on one hand, it was glorious! Sweaters, hot coffee or hot chocolate, brisk walks, leaves falling all warmed the soul. On the other hand, […]
Normal People Preparing for TEOTWAWKI – TEOTWAWKI and Keeping Your Kids in Clothing That Fits
Am I the only one whose kids grow like weeds? We just finished back to school shopping, for those of you who send your kids out to school. How are your kids doing? Are any of your kids already starting to outgrow some of their clothing? Maybe they aren’t already […]
You Were Given $500! What do you with it?
Have you been here? You’re standing in Wal-Mart and you see that canning supplies are on a mega-uber sale. Do you buy them? I’ve picked things up, put them in my cart, walked through the store and picked up other things on my list. Then toward the end of picking […]
Normal People Preparing for TEOTWAWKI – Bug Out Bag Strategy
While some people could make an argument that I’ve beaten the “bugging out” horse to death, there are more aspects that we need to discuss. Bugging out will usually occur during short-term disruptive situations (SHTF-type situations). For us, those situations were the Ferguson Riots and being hit by a tornado. […]