Is it Fall Already?!? Am I the only one who feels like we just enter 2021 with all the lockdowns and craziness? Can you believe it’s already October? It’s time to begin turning our attention to the next season of preparedness. We’re heading into cold dark months. And oh, that […]
Author: MrsKarenSMorris
5 Ways to Cook Without Power You Probably Haven’t Considered
I have discovered something about myself. I like having a plan. Do you ever find yourself wanting the same thing? Do you feel better if you have a plan in place whether it’s just a plan for your week or a plan for doing laundry if you’re without water or […]
Dialogue Between a New Prepper and an Experienced Prepper
Prepping has come into its own in the past few years as more and more people realize the importance of systematically and logically storing food and supplies for their families. And it’s not just for doomsday situations either – having extra goods set aside for your family gives you peace […]
The First 10 Things Any New Prepper Should Buy – A Reminder for the Rest of Us
I’ve asked myself several times, if I had to start prepping all over again, what would I do differently? What would I do the same? How would I improve on my journey, if I had the chance? My journey started accidentally with couponing. I amassed a whole bunch of food, […]
The First 12 Things a New Prepper Should Do – A Refresher for the Rest of Us
Are you relatively new to preparedness? I’ve seen it in Facebook groups. People get into a prepper group, and the first thing they do is ask – “Where do I even begin?” It can feel SO OVERWHELMING! I mean, water storage, food storage, every day carry (EDC), bug-out bags, even […]
The First 11 Things a New Prepper Should Learn – A Refresher for the Rest of Us
So as I’ve worked through creating this series for National Preparedness Month, I’ve had to ask myself some questions – What things were the most important to me? What things did I use the most? Are there things that I think could be the difference between life and death that […]
Prepper Knowledge and Tools Won’t Save You If You Don’t Have This
Before we moved, If you had taken a trip down to my basement, you would have seen that it’s decently stocked. Would it have helped to have more things in it? Doesn’t it always? I also have a decent working knowledge of basic preparedness – with the exception of animal […]
10 Tips to Prepare Your Family for a Possible House Fire
During the years 2011-2015 Firefighters responded to an average of 358,500 house fires each of those years. Each year, approximately 2500 people lost their lives in homes that caught fire and the average yearly damage caused by house fires during those years was 6.7 billion dollars. (source) So not only are […]
5 Tips For When You Don’t FEEL the Motivation to Prepare
When you live life with a husband and five kids, life can get a bit harried. Then throw in homeschooling, running a business, being involved at church, and everything else that God allows to come your way, and sometimes, it’s just easy to throw your hands up and want to […]
Every Day Security vs. SHTF Security – What’s the Difference?
When I say the word, “security” what pops into your mind? Do you picture a prison, a fortress, an ordinary home, or a broken-down shack that you wouldn’t want to enter anyway? In the preparedness realm, security can have different meanings at different times. Right now creating a secure home […]