The Sacrifice of Praise – Thanksgiving

It’s Thanksgiving week.  Oftentimes, this week or this month is one that we take to reflect on the things that we are thankful for.   But, I’m betting some of you out there have had a rough year.  Some of you may have lost a loved one.  Maybe you were diagnosed with a disease this year.  Are you in the midst of a conflict with someone in your life?  Maybe you are struggling with infertility.  Perhaps you’ve had a miscarriage.  So many find the money in their pocketbooks dwindling quicker than than can replenish it.  Some years are just harder than others.  So where does that leave us this Thanksgiving?  It leaves us with a sacrifice of praise.

A Sacrifice of Praise

As I take some time to reflect on this year and the gifts that I have been given, I wanted to take a moment to share one verse with you.  Hebrews 13:15 says, “Let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name.”  Why do I bring this up?  Because even God realizes that some years – some days – even some minutes it is HARD to be thankful.  Sometimes praising the Lord IS a sacrifice.  And during those trials, every time we praise God and are thankful, we are offering up an honest and true sacrifice to Him.

My Sacrifice of Praise

This year, in several ways, has been one of the hardest that I’ve ever had.  Many years I have had one hard thing in my life, but there are very few years when so many difficulties have seemed to converge on our family. So in the midst of this year’s hardships or difficulties, I want to list off for you all some of the things for which I am thankful.  I want to publically make my sacrifice of praise.

sacrifice of praiseFamily

I am thankful for all of my family, but I really want to give a shout-out to my oldest daughter.  She is a work horse!  Without her, this year’s 120′ x 30′ garden would NOT have happened – or at least not on that scale.  She put up quart after quart after quart of tomato sauce, and apple sauce.  She freeze dried and powdered peppers.  She’s learned about freeze drying milk – and we’ve started doing that.  She’s freeze dried cooked ground beef.  I can’t say enough about how hard she has worked for our family this year.  Again, I’m thankful for all of my family, but Jordan and her efforts really stand out this year.  I think most of the family would heartily agree with that.


I have really gotten into a great group of friends online this year.   I played an online RPG (Role Playing Game) a long time ago.  I was invited back two years ago and this year, I have really developed some special friendships with several of the other players.  We’ve gone through hard times together, good times together, encouraged each other, challenged each other.  I am so thankful for that wonderful group of people.

People at Church

There are some really great women (and men too) at our church.  Some of them have been so uplifting and brightening to my spirit.  I am thankful for those special, encouraging women.  I have also enjoyed leading a women’s book study for the ladies of the church.  Our discussions are often helpful and fruitful as we walk through these crazy times.

Our Farm sacrifice of praise

I would love to see us more self-sufficient, but each thing we do to move us in that direction is a good thing!  This year it was the garden and adding to our orchard.   That garden was such a monumental undertaking.   One of the wonderful things is that we’ve learned a LOT about what to do and what NOT to do for the garden.  I am confident that because of what we’ve learned , next year’s garden will be even better!


I always feel like I’m learning, but this year I have felt it particularly keenly.  Whether it was learning about seed starting, learning how many of a particular vegetable to plant or NOT to plant, learning about medicinal herbs, or learning that our septic tank needs to be emptied more often than we thought.   Learning continues to be a big part of my life – and I’m thankful for it.

sacrifice of praise Classes

But this year has also been filled with other types of learning.  I’m taking a class and learning more about YouTube.  If you go check out our YouTube channel and compare it to what was there at the very beginning, it’s starting to grow and change for the better because of the class I’m taking.

I’m also taking a fiction writing class as I delve into the new (for me) world of writing fiction.  It has been an education and I’m loving every minute of it.

I’m also taking a related class in book marketing which has been overwhelming and eye opening, but SO amazing.  I feel like I’m learning so much!

God  sacrifice of praise

I’m thankful that no matter what else is going on in my life, that I can count on God.  He is always there with open arms no matter who else walks away.  He is always kind even if others are not.  He is always calling, always wooing, always gentle.  And in a year that has had it’s ups and downs, I’m most thankful to know that I can always turn to Him.

So What About You?

What are you thankful for this year?  This year is your praise a sacrifice?  Or is it something that easily slips off of your tongue?  I’d love to hear.  Leave a comment below so that we can rejoice with you in thankfulness during this festive season.

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