Something Wierd Is Happening in Preparedness – Preppers Are Moving Out of the Country

Moving out of the countryWhen we moved out to the country two and a half years ago, we had no idea just how unprepared we were for having five acres, a pond, and outbuildings.  We VERY quickly discovered that living in the country is so much more expensive than we ever dreamed. But I want our misfortune and learning curve to help those of you who may be considering a move to the country – even as we are moving out of the country (for now).

Check out today’s YouTube video where I go through financial and time considerations of moving to the country that you may not have considered.

One Comment

  1. My husband and I moved into a trailer in August of 2022 but moved back into an apartment when 2 hurricanes came through and rendered it unlivable. I wanted to plant a garden there and become more self reliant but that was never going to happen. So, I have reserved myself to that fact that I could “homestead” in my apartment. There’s no shame in having to rethink your situation. Every one learns to deal with and make the best with what they have. I was discouraged at first but I quickly saw my new place as an opportunity to homestead with what I have.