Serious DIY! Never Eat a Honeymoon Salad

Okay, most of you are probably scratching your heads right about now.  What does a honeymoon salad have to do with DIY?  Never eat a honeymoon salad?  What’s a honeymoon salad?

It’s. . . . .let-tuce alone.

Read it out loud, and it’ll make more sense.

So since you shouldn’t eat lettuce alone, let’s AT LEAST top it with one of your favorite salad dressings.

I don’t know about your family, but in our family, we pretty much stick to two different types of salad dressings:  Italian dressing and Ranch dressing.

So today I’m going to give you make ahead recipes for these two salad dressings.  You toss together the mix and then, when you’re ready to eat your salad, you make up some fresh dressing with just a couple of other ingredients.

So since I’m the mom, let’s start with my favorite go-to dressing, Italian.

Italian Salad Dressing Mix

2T onion powder

1T garlic powder

1T oregano

1 1/2 tsp parsley

1 1/2 tsp pepper

4 tsp salt

1 tsp celery seed or flakes

1 tsp basil

1/2 tsp thyme

I like to use a 2 C measuring cup to mix the ingredients together then I store it in a 1-pint canning jar and put it in my pantry.  Easy peasy and DELICIOUS!!

Italian Salad Dressing – Family serve

1T Italian salad dressing mix

2T apple cider vinegar

1 tsp water

1/4 C olive oil

Stir the ingredients together and serve.  I don’t like to make a lot of this ahead of time because it solidifies in the refrigerator.  Best to make a little at a time

Ranch dressing, my kids favorite, is even easier.  Be forewarned, there is a typo in my book.  I’m correcting it for posterity here – and probably in the second edition of my book too.

Ranch Salad Dressing Mix

1/2 C onion powder (my book said 1 C YIKES!)

2T parsley flakes

4 tsp salt

1 tsp garlic

Put these in a mason jar and give them a shake.  That’s all there is to it.

Ranch Salad Dressing

2T mix

1C mayo

1C sour cream or buttermilk.

Mix the three ingredients together and pour over your salad. The fridge doesn’t do anything funky to this recipe so no problem refrigerating the leftovers.

Just a side note, I get ALL my spices from Azure Standard.  I just like to reuse all my old Sam’s Club spice containers.  Spices are cheaper at Azure than anywhere else – by far.  You can find them by going to Azure Standard and searching for which spice you are looking for.

Have you ever made your own salad dressing before?  What kinds have you made?