Quarantine Day 2 & Food Storage Recipe

Quarantine Day 2Update from Texas

So yesterday, I mentioned to everyone that my father-in-law has been exposed to the virus through some friends.  I spoke with my father-in-law yesterday.  He’s still doing fine.  Unfortunately, he’s still been going out to try to get food.  I reminded him that we’re sending him items, so he should stay in.

This is the thing.  My father-in-law could be infected and not know it.  He could easily be spreading the virus since it spreads before you get symptoms.  This is why everyone should self-quarantine.

Conflict Quarantine - Day 2

So yesterday, I mentioned some conflict within my family.  I am thankful to report that the conflict has been resolved.  In twenty-four years of marriage, I don’t think we’ve ever had this level of conflict in our marriage. That was really hard!  I can’t tell you how thankful I am that we are now on the same page.

What we did during our day

Quarantine - Day 2Daily Activities

School happened as usual.  It’s wonderful to be able to say that.

Each evening, we gather in our basement to watch a movie.

I’m blogging.  Steve’s working.  It’s life.

I’m also working through all 40 seasons of survivor, but I’ve been doing that for awhile.  I’m currently on season 18.

New (Old) Activities

My oldest daughter picked up her violin again.  She already plays piano, but it’s been nice to hear her violin going again.

Our kids have restarted using the treadmill.  Each of the kids took turns walking or running on the treadmill.  It’s funny.  Each of my older kids overestimated how much they could do on the treadmill.  Doing a physical activity during this is so huge. I need to get onto the treadmill myself today.  I just have to do it after my husband is done working since he’s working from home.  His office is in our bedroom and so is the treadmill.

My daughter got out yesterday and started breaking the dirt up in our garden again.  We’re itching to get out and do some planting.

I enjoyed a little time on the porch swing.  I haven’t yet really done that this year.

New Common Phrase

So I’ve adopted a new phrase.  People will ask me if they can have . . . . .   You fill in the blank.  It might be a clementine for a snack.  It might be some cheese to go with the eggs.  My new “favorite” phrase is “Once it’s gone, it’s gone.”  Sure you can have a clementine, but once they are gone, they are gone.  Once the cheese is gone, it’s gone.  Whatever it is – even my beloved kombucha.  Once it’s gone, it’s gone.

Today’s Food Storage Recipe

Mexicale Pie – Serves 8


3 cans black beans

4 C dry rice

3 eggs

2 C milk

3 C water

1/2C taco seasoning (or 2 packets)

2 C Cheese

1# Ground Beef

1 Jar Queso


Add beans, rice, taco seasoning, cheese, and ground beef to the crockpot.  Whisk the eggs together and add the milk and water.  Pour over the dry ingredients.  Mix together really well.  Let cook in the crockpot all day long.  Add the jar of queso right before serving.  Mix well.

What About You?

How is your life in quarantine going?  What activities are you all doing together as a family?  Share with us in the comments below so that we can all be better prepared.

Together lets Love, Learn, Practice, and Overcome!

There are links in this post.  Some of the links may be affiliate links.  Some of the links may not be.  My promise to you is that I will only recommend the most economical version of the best quality of items to serve you. These are the items that I have bought for my own family.  You can feel free to use my affiliate links, of which I will get a small amount in compensation, or you can choose to search out your products on your own.

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