A Year Without the Grocery Store Book AND Workbook – Printable PDF


A printable PDF book and step-by-step workbook guide to shopping, organizing, and cooking with food storage so that you can go A Year Without the Grocery Store.


Does going A Year Without the Grocery Store sound more like a pipe dream than a possibility?  It’s a dream that I can help become a reality.

Do you hate to grocery shop?

Being a mom of school-age children is HARD!!  There’s so much to keep up with like cleaning, organizing, schooling your kids, and that’s before you worry about constant menu planning and cooking meals just good enough to get by because you’re so busy!  And don’t get you started on how much groceries cost!!  Do you spend more on your family’s food needs than you do on your mortgage?  How many trips do you make to the grocery store in a week because you forgot a single ingredient for that evening’s dinner?  When you hear about a spring or winter storm, do you panic and run to the store because you don’t keep enough food in the house to feed your family for more than a few days – despite your best and most heroic efforts?

Food storage is the answer to each of those problems.

Be honest with me now.  Does any of this below sound familiar?

You ask yourself, “What is that sound and why is it screaming in my ear?” before you realize that it’s your alarm blaring.  You reach out to silence the ear-piercing wail.  Glancing at the clock, you realize the kids aren’t up yet but will be very soon.  On top of that, to say the day is full is an understatement.  Before your feet hit the ground, you remember that yesterday your weather app said something about a possible storm coming through in a couple of days depending on the direction that jet stream decided to take.  The thought – that there is a possibility of one last gasp of winter’s wrath before spring finally sticks around this time  – makes you wrinkle your nose in frustration.  And as you open your weather app, unfortunately, it displays that tomorrow you are indeed expecting winter weather, with the possibility of ice or sleet!

You groan out loud, even though there’s no one there to hear you.  Tomorrow is supposed to be your grocery shopping day.  You’re out of milk and just about out of eggs and bread.  The pantry is also in desperate need of basic necessities.  You might be able to scrape together one or two days meals, but if the ice sticks around, you’re toast – even if you won’t have any to serve your family.

So now you have to add grocery shopping to your list of what you need to accomplish on this already hectic day!

Grocery shopping – even just the phrase makes the hair on your neck stand up.  You have to wrestle the kids into the car, referee fights in the backseat while driving, keep the kids from begging for every food under the sun while you’re trying to rush through the store.  Now add a possible ice storm on top of it all?  This means you’re going to be fighting for every last loaf of bread and gallon of milk.  What if they only have wheat bread – your son refuses to eat anything but white.  What if they don’t have the gluten free bread in stock that your daughter needs?  Just the thought of the whole ordeal sends your stomach into a tailspin as you remind yourself that you love each of these children…….even if you do have to feed them.

Are you laughing?

Oh, I am.  I remember when my life was exactly like that! My name’s Karen, and I care about my family more than I can tell you!  I’m betting you feel the same way about your family.  Making sure my family is well fed at all times No-Matter-What is one of the ways that I make sure they are taken care of. I accomplish this using our year’s worth of personal food storage, and now I’m here to show you how to easily store a year’s worth of food as well.

In A Year Without the Grocery Store, I walk you through a step-by-step plan which:

  • Incorporates the meals your family already loves.
  • Takes into account your family’s unique food allergies, intolerances, and preferences.
  • Teaches you how to economically store food.  Ugg!  I know we ALL need to save money!
  • Demonstrates hows how, if necessary, you could feed each member of your family for around $160/year. And, no, I’m not kidding!
  • Showers you with recipes that take your food storage from so-so to Ah-Mazing and mouthwatering!  Are there meals that your kids beg for?  They’ll beg for some of these too!
  • Empowers you with alternate ways to cook your food storage in case you encounter a power outage.
  • Advocates ways to put into action a water storage plan.
  • Points out pitfalls and holes in most people’s food storage and crafts a plan for how to avoid them.

If you thought the idea of a year’s worth of food storage was a little crazy, take another look at healthy meals, money savings, not having to run to the grocery store before winter storms, and peace of mind that comes with knowing that you’ve planned and prepared and that your family can now go a year without the grocery store.

And then you also get a A Year Without the Grocery Store’s Printable Workbook!

This is the ONLY Self-Sufficiency/Preparedness workbook that I can find!!

You’ve either read or heard of A Year Without the Grocery Store.  The content was great! The assignments were incredibly helpful.  You loved it! BUT something was missing. Keeping all of your information in one place was tricky.  Menus and ingredients all ran together either on paper or in your mind. What is a water plan –  let alone how do you create it?  What do you do?

Well, don’t despair.  A Year Without the Grocery Store now has a Companion Workbook!  This .pdf workbook is a one of a kind preparedness workbook that walks you through the entire journey beginning at your empty pantry.  You stop along the way to plan and prepare for everyday emergencies. Then the workbook guides you along to catch those other items and systems that most people miss.  In the end, it leaves you enjoying your peace of mind knowing that your food storage is ready if trouble should ever strike, even if that trouble is just a summer thunderstorm power outage.

What are other people saying about A Year Without the Grocery Store and it’s Companion Workbook?

Daisy Luther – The Organic Prepper said, “The companion workbook for A Year Without the Grocery Store is brilliant in its simplicity. Whether you are brand new to prepping or you’ve been at it for a while, Karen Morris will help you easily get organized, see what you have, and see what you need. I would recommend this workbook to anyone who is serious about building a stockpile of food for difficult times.”

  • Step by step instruction on bulking up your preparedness pantry – didn’t think about storing spices or condiments?
  • Garden planning pages making this year’s garden abundant!
  • Garden recap pages, so that next year’s garden will be even better and more fruitful!
  • Worksheets to determine which foods you should store for your family
  • Pages of Worksheets which help you find the rock-bottom prices on food storage items – Yea, let’s save even more money!
  • Worksheets to customize your food storage plan to take your meals from so-so to mouthwatering and kids begging for that meal just one more time!
  • Visual tutorial on how to pack long-term food storage items.  What’s Mylar?
  • Water worksheets to determine and create a water plan specifically tailored for your family.
  • Checklist for preparedness topics including 72-hour emergency kit (aka Bug Out Bag), Everyday Carry, Power outage, car necessities, in case of sickness, how to prepare your house if you’re leaving your home for a week or more (like on vacation), and more!

You knew you wanted the workbook, but I hope now you see how you need this!  It will save you more money by at least ten-fold than you spend, and that’s just in the first few months.  You’ll save yourself time and headaches because you don’t have to run to the grocery store ALL-THE-TIME!  You will give yourself and your family peace of mind because you don’t have to worry where tomorrow or next week’s food is coming from, even if someone loses a job.  You can rest and relax because you took the time to take care of your family.  That’s really the definition of a mom, isn’t it?  Someone who loves her family enough to take care of them – no matter what happens.

Buy your copy of A Year Without the Grocery Store and its Companion Workbook today!!


“Great book whether you are new to food storage or well versed. If new to this concept, the book is written in a straightforward way that won’t overwhelm you. If you are experienced at food storage, as I am, you will find helpful bits and pieces to boost your skills. I especially liked the recipes using milk powder, tomato powder and the extracts. I’ve heard of Azure Standard from many homesteading YouTubers but had never tried them. After reading this book I placed my first order, including tomato powder I’d like to see the author publish an entire book dedicated to the exact meals and recipes that she uses to feed her family. I have a binder of such a thing but it’s always nice to see what someone else is doing, even if it adds only a couple of recipes that your family will like. Quick, easy read, and a nice little book to keep accessible for frequent use.”

Danny F.

“I had heard of folks who kept an inventory of their food stores but didn’t know how to start. This book has definitely helped me make a plan, an inventory list (which I have laminated with the number of items I want to keep on the shelves or freezer and then I can use a dry erase marker to mark how many needed to replace), and the web addresses to bulk and dehydrated food stores. For us, both books (companions) were worth the money, especially if you are looking to shore up your pantry and freezer or make a “prepper” pantry.”

K. Pierson


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