Gourmet Food Storage – Milk it for all it’s Worth

How many of you have tasted powdered milk before? It’s okay, you can nod or shake your heads, I won’t tell.

Assuming you’ve tasted powdered milk before, I want you to think back on the last time that you drank powdered milk. Uhuh. It’s not hard to remember, is it? Now, remember what expression you wore on your face after you took your first swig? I’m sitting here chuckling because I can guess what the vast majority of your faces looked like when you drank it.

Powdered milk tastes gross, but it doesn’t have to! There are several very simple tips and tricks to make your powdered milk taste almost like fresh milk. Yes, it is possible. And, no, it doesn’t cost an arm and a leg.

Important facts about powdered milk – DON’T SKIP THIS

If you skip this part you could make yourself sick, and I don’t want that. I doubt you do either. . .so keep reading.

There are three main types of powdered milk. Powdered milk containing milkfat, Instant non-fat powdered milk, and non-fat powdered milk.

This sounds kinda confusing so let me break it down for you.

Powdered milk CONTAINING milkfat

Powdered milk containing milkfat is great for everyday use if you don’t want to purchase milk from the store. Because this milk contains milk-fat, though, you must use it up quickly! Fat can quickly go rancid, so you don’t want to hold onto this type of milk for long-term food storage. You could make yourself and your family sick if you opened up this type of milk in ten years. Hoosier Hill Farms, which makes this Whole Milk Powder says that you need to use the milk between 10-12 months after purchase.

Instant Non-fat Powdered Milk

Instant non-fat powdered milk is meant for drinking. It mixes quickly and easily. This type of milk can be stored long-term! This is a very good thing for you. You can purchase this from places like Thrive Life, but if you live near an LDS cannery, you can get it SO MUCH cheaper there! You will have to repackage it yourselves or you can stay during a cannery evening and help them repackage it into #10 cans (think large coffee can size). This is a bit more expensive than repackaging it yourself but cheaper than purchasing it through a food storage company.

But the problem with instant non-fat powdered milk that it tasted like….exactly…..powdered milk. I have several solutions for this a little later in the article.

Non-fat Powdered Milk

The only difference between instant non-fat powdered milk and non-fat powdered milk is the “instant.” I know I’m brilliant aren’t I? While “instant” powdered milk is meant for drinking plain old non-fat powdered milk is used for cooking or baking. This actually makes things easier. If I want to bake some chocolate chip cookies and I was using instant milk, I’d have to make it up before I mixed it into the cookie dough for the best results. With plain old non-fat powdered milk, you just have to add the correct amount of powder and water to your recipe. It’s SO MUCH faster!

Another great thing about regular ole non-fat powdered milk is that it too stores for between 20-25 years depending on the company. It stores well because there is no fat in it.

Tips and Tricks to Make Powdered Milk Taste Good

One of the reasons powdered milk doesn’t taste good is that it lacks milkfat. It is possible to add some fat back into the milk, but it is a little tricky.

1.) Add 1-2 tsp of sugar, sucanat, or the equivalent amount of stevia to a gallon of milk. It won’t make it taste sweet, but it will fill part of the taste void.

2.) Add 1 tsp of vanilla to a gallon of powdered milk.

3.) Add a pinch – and I mean a pinch – of salt. This might sound disgusting, but it helps the overall flavor.

4.) After you’ve done the above, put the milk in the refrigerator to cool. Cold powdered milk tastes worlds better than warm powdered milk.

5.) You’re going to laugh at this one, but don’t drink powdered milk. Now, I don’t mean don’t USE instant milk in the liquid form, just don’t drink it as a beverage unto itself. Use it over cereal or homemade granola. Add Nesquik or Ovaltine to it. Dunk cookies in it. All of those are using the instant milk without actually DRINKING just the milk.

6.) Instant powdered milk is AMAZING in smoothies!! Oh my, I never would have guessed this one until we started using instant powdered milk to test it out one month. Not only does it taste great – yes, I add stevia, vanilla, and a pinch of salt to the milk anyway, but when you add frozen fruit or other ingredients to it and blend it together, it froths up so nicely!

And since I’m talking about smoothies, I’m going to give you my two favorite smoothie recipes.

Strawberry Smoothie – Makes approximately 2 servings of 3 1/2 C

4 C Water

6 T Instant Milk Powder – I really do use Thrive Life. I’m not just plugging it

1/4 tsp Stevia powder

1 tsp Vanilla

pinch Salt

2 C Frozen Strawberries

Put the ingredients in your blender and blend away until the strawberries are pulverized and the smoothie is frothy.

Chocolate Peanut Butter Smoothie

4 C Water

6 T Instant Milk Powder

1/4 tsp Stevia Powder

1 tsp vanilla

1/4 tsp Salt

2 T Cocoa Powder

2 T Peanut Butter Powder

4 C Ice

Put all the ingredients into your blender and blend until smooth and frothy.

Remember, knowledge isn’t knowing something, it’s living it. Go out and live the knowledge you’ve gained.


  1. Allison Sullivan

    Goodinfo., but the LDS canneries no longer do any onsite. Manning due to government regulation. Everything is pre-packaged in #10 cans except items sold in buckets.

    • Thanks for the heads up. Since we’ve moved, I haven’t been back to the one I used in the St. Louis area.

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