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What moms are saying . . .

  • I had the pleasure of reading your book this week. Thank you for your hard work! This wasn’t my first introduction to the idea of preparedness and food storage, but your work supplied a very detailed view. Much appreciated!
  • I bought your book “A Year Without the Grocery Store” last year, and read it and used it to help me think what I would need to keep my family as well fed and comfortable as possible in adverse situations. I have been on a prepping learning journey. I realized how far I had come when last week I had a cold that left me feeling really tired, and my son was poorly. I did not need to worry about food – we had it in the house already. I could prepare all our meals from the preps I had in our pantry, so I did not have to struggle out to get groceries. Thank you for making your prepping suggestions applicable to daily life, and not just about some existential threat. We are now recovered, and I have restocked what we used.

  • A Year Without a Grocery Store” is a great resource. The information provided is not only applicable in a grid down situation; it prepares you for those times when life throws a curve ball in the form of an illness, inclement weather or unexpected company.

  • Thank you for another valuable and amazing blog post! I so appreciate your wisdom! I see how steady and rational you are–you have a year’s worth of supplies- plus some–you are in good place. Thank you so much for sharing your peace and clear direction. You are a beacon and right now, we all need that–I NEED THAT! You give me hope and a path to see where I need to steer my ship. I want your peace, desperately, and you are giving me the target to aim for—I cannot thank you enough. All the scary stuff you had to endure, the riots, etc. has brought you to a place where you can guide and help others. I just want to say thank you!!

  • Thank you for the resources! My husband and I have purchased food in bulk for many years, but we decided to get more organized about it—work on covering gaps, growing more in the garden, etc. I read your book a couple of years ago on Kindle Unlimited, and I just purchased again so I can review and fine tune.

Classes I've Most Benefited From

Fundamentals of Traditional Cooking I & II


Canning With Confidence E-Course




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