Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas from My family to yours!  I’m going to take this week off from blogging, so you can expect more great content as we prepare for 2022.

I want to encourage you as we all prepare for Saturday to remember that Christmas isn’t about a jolly old elf or a man in a white suit who brings presents.  It’s about a baby in manger who came to this earth to bring salvation.  Take time this week to reflect on all the blessings that He’s lavished on you this year.

In the meantime, here are some of the most popular posts here at AYWTGS:

Getting your car ready for winter 

12 Preparedness movies or shows to watch over Christmas break

Income vs. Outgo – and 10 Ways to Substantially Save Money Each Month

8 OTC Items that Can Save Your Life

Stuff People Forget to Prep – Home Repair Supplies

100 Prepping Tasks to Do in 15 Minutes or Less

Prepper Knowledge and Tools Won’t Save You if You Don’t Have This

What’s Holding Many Back from Being More Prepared

10 Everyday Decisions that Affect Survival and Preparedness

Homesteading in the Burbs – Dream Big, No Matter How Small Your Property

The Prepared & Organized Vehicle – Putting it All Together with Simplicity and Style

Gourmet Food Storage – The Ultimate Convenience Breakfast Food

7 Simple Food Storage Breakfasts

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