You Mean I Can Eat That in 30 Years if I Buy That Now? (Part 4 of Let’s Talk Turkey. . . .Well Actually, Talk Money. . . .And Long-Term Food Storage)

Wheat for Long-Term Food Storage


Long-term food storage is exactly that.   It’s stored food that lasts a LONG time.  For example, did you know that grain was found in Egyptian tombs?  So was mummified beef, but that’s beside the point.  Don’t believe me?  Check it out here.

If you didn’t catch the first three posts in this series, you can find Part 1 here, Part 2 here, and part 3 here.

Most often long-term food storage is described as food that will stay good for 20-30 years when properly stored.  There are more of them than you’d think.

The usual long-term food storage items include:

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Slices (from the LDS cannery)

Beans, Dried Black

Beans, Dried Kidney

Beans, Dried Navy

Beans, Dried Pinto

Corn, Dried

Grain Alcohol


Oats, Quick

Oats, Rolled


Potato Flakes



Wheat Berries

White Rice


Add to these many freeze-dried foods, and you end up with a lot of options for long-term food storage that should keep thirty years!  Other foods, like powdered non-fat milk and dehydrated carrots, last up to twenty years as well.

They are a great way to feed your families during times of monetary uncertainty – like when your family of five kids all go through growth spurts at the SAME TIME!

While all of these foods sound pretty bland on their own, they can be combined to make some pretty delicious meals.  We’ll talk more about that more on Friday.

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