How Our Preparedness Needs to Change As a Result of This Election – Part 1

Preparedness was the last thing on my mind last Saturday afternoon. I was at a lady’s tea for my church when I heard a notification from my phone go off saying that Biden had won the election.  It wasn’t what I was expecting and put a little bit of a damper on the festivities.  Now, I want to say, that after having watched and listened and read A LOT for the past few days, I do not believe that Biden IS CURRENTLY the president-elect.  That can only be determined by the election commission, NOT by the news outlets.

I’m also afraid that – even if President Trump is correct and the election has been rigged – that he’s going to do something stupid – not illegal, but stupid on many counts.

So whether President Trump is right and the election has been tainted and he does something stupid or Biden really is the president-elect, my thoughts and preparedness suggestions are the same.

***There are links in this post.  Some of the links may be affiliate links. My promise to you is that I will only recommend the most economical version of the best quality of items to serve you. All of these are the items that I have bought for my own family.  If you click on a link, your price will remain the same.  If you make a purchase, we may make a small commission that aids in the cost of the running of this website.***

My Gut Reaction to the Election

First off, I had to remind myself that God is still on the throne.  Despite how things feel at the moment, He has a purpose even in this, and I’m going to trust it.

So I tried to focus on the ladies at the tea instead of putting my brain power into my thoughts on the election.  Once I got home, however, these were my thoughts.

I don’t trust the results of this election.

When I went in to vote, I had my driver’s license out.  I was told to put it away because it wasn’t needed.  How do you know that I am who I am if I don’t have to prove who I am!  Really?

The Question Isn’t Do I Like Biden

If I really believed that the election results were honest and accurate, while I wouldn’t LIKE Biden as a president, I would be able to much more easily accept it.  But the truth of the matter is that he would still be the president even if I couldn’t accept it.

How I Think Voting Should Be Done

I would love to see us only be able to vote IN PERSON and WITH an ID.  Now, I do realize that there are some lower-income people who don’t have ID’s.  I would be okay with more Licensing places in lower-income areas so that people who don’t have cars or must walk can get to where they need to go in order to get an ID.  I would also be okay with more polling places in lower-income areas so that people who can’t get around as easily CAN vote.  But all of this because I do believe that voting should only be done IN PERSON with an ID.

Preparedness On the Up-tick

Preparedness is going to pick up a LOT during this next year.  A lot of people are already moving toward being better prepared because of Covid.  They realize that they need more than just a week’s worth of food in their homes.  Now, people who are concerned that we’re going to have a president who will try to force socialist ideals down our throats will be even more interested in getting prepared.

Keep Your Eyes Open

This is the time that we should be looking around us for people who want to get on board but might need a little help.

What You Should Change About Your Preparedness as a Result of My Gut Response to the Election - and How Our Preparedness Needs to Change.This Election

Preparedness and Food Security

The number one thing that you can do right now is to secure your family’s food sufficiency.  In our circles, we don’t want to be dependant on the government to feed us!  And even someone who can go A Year Without the Grocery Store will eventually run out of food.  If nothing happens this year or next year or even in five years, it doesn’t matter.  You will be so much better off if you take as many of these steps as you can right now.  Maybe the next book should be called “Eliminate the Grocery Store For Good”?  It won’t be, but I like the ring of it, don’t you?

So how do we become food sufficient?


I think some people have already started moving in this direction.  I know that garden seeds were not easily found this year.  Even if nothing happens for several years (or ever) you really need to really KNOW how to grow your own foods as much as possible, and the only way that that happens is to start practicing NOW.  Each year, our garden produces a little more and I get a little better.  We figure out what we did wrong, what animals are eating our foods, and how to keep them away.  There are SO MANY questions that you just need to figure out to be an effective gardener!

And this just scratches the surface of what you need to know to garden effectively.  The great news is that you can learn most of this so easily, but it can be overwhelming and you don’t want to be learning on the fly if your family’s food security is resting on your non-existent gardening ability.


Do you have the ability to keep animals?  And by ability, I mean are you allowed AND do you have space?

There may come a time where the “allowed” part shouldn’t be a concern unless you’re afraid of someone turning you in.

Even if you live in the “burbs” there are still animals that you can keep which will feed your family.  Rabbits are a wonderful meat animal.  They reproduce quickly.  They are gentle, and they are fairly easy to butcher.

I love the fact that you can use chickens both for meat and for eggs.  They are also another great backyard animal which is fairly easy to care for and provides you with a lot of benefit to keeping them.

If you have even a little bit of land having goats is an option.  While these are a bit more work, they can provide you with both milk and meat.  Goats milk takes some time to get used to, and it comes homogenized so there’s no REAL cream like with cows, so you won’t get butter.  But even with those downsides, goats provide some definite upsides for a small family homestead.

Just keeping these three animals can make you almost completely self-sufficient.  You’ll have meat, eggs, milk.  If you have a garden, you’ll be fairly food sufficient if you know about . . .

Food Preservation  My Gut Response to the Election - and How Our Preparedness Needs to Change.

Having the ability to grow your own meat is wonderful, but whether it’s meat or veggies, there will be a need to know how to preserve your food, so you can eat during the winter months when you can’t grow food.

There are really two main types of food preservation that you should depend on – pressure canning and water bath canning.  If you’ve never canned before, Melissa K. Norris has a wonderful canning class.  She will teach you both water bath canning AND pressure canning!  Please sign up!

In the next blog post, we’re going to talk about two more changes to our preparedness that would be wise want to make in the shorter-term.  Look for that post later this week.

What About You?

What is your gut reaction to what you’ve been hearing about the election?  Are there areas of preparedness do you think most people need to change?

Together Let’s Love, Learn, Practice, and Overcome!


  1. Hello, I have questions about security/protection, bartering as alternative to currency, and growing nutrient dense food in small spaces or containers. Also, mental and emotional preparedness is a reality. How to keep cool and level-headed in the unthinkable situation? There will be a day when faith and courage is what we need to have in our preparedness supplies.

    All of your information is extremely valuable. Thank you!

  2. I am one of those people who used to have a week’s worth of food in my house. I’ve completely changed my mindset on that, mostly as a result of reading your articles. I had my first year of a big garden and I’m looking forward to making it better next year. Thank you for all your advice!

  3. Our preparedness needs to ramp up, because of the former administration. There is always a lag time between a damaging President and an advantageous administration. Best be prepared for the fallout from the Trump administration. Trump took many chances, and most fall upon your shoulders. We should all prepare for the economic fallout that Trump has triggered. Presidencies tend to inherit the results of the mistakes of the last presidencies, and the last one was an economic doozer, which the incoming President will have a tough job to overcome. Meanwhile, in my little home, I will prepare for an economic meltdown, which I foresee on the horizon, regardless of the efforts of the soon-to-be current administration, but largely as a result of the doings of the soon-to-be used-to-be administration.

    So regardless of your political leanings, ramp up your preparedness for tough times!

  4. You can definitely make butter from goat’s milk. Either let the milk sit so the cream separates(it will eventually) or even better, use a cream separator; some manual ones aren’t terribly pricey and would work fine for a household. Also, consider ducks as a perfect source of both meat and eggs.

  5. timothy mcphillips

    this election could be good for us, the democrats have been running their mouths on how it is all trumps fault. everyone with a brain knows this is not true, so it is put up or shut up time for the democrats. I love how biden has come out asking everyone to buy into his way, but the democrats fought trump tooth and naiil for 4 years. the democrats divided this country and it will take an act of God to put it back together. best luck to everyone.

  6. Great article! Thanks for all the links.

  7. Is there a coupon code for the canning class? The link takes me to a class for $99.