Gourmet Food Storage – So Easy it’s Magic (Mix)

I spent a lot of time learning about food storage before I knew food storage was a thing.

Back then, I just thought I was being prepared and frugal.  Even when you take a look at my Meyers Briggs personality type (ESTJ) we are known for having contingencies for our contingencies and back-ups for our back-ups.  So I didn’t think twice and figured a lot of other people were doing the same thing.

Once I realized that food storage was a “thing” and that I was already kinda doing it, I wanted to really learn about it.  In my journey, one of my favorite and most amazing finds is something called Magic Mix.

Gourmet Food Storage - It's So Easy It's Magic (Mix)!Magic Mix

There are tons of different variations of it all over the internet.  It’s not original to me, but I’m happy to take something someone else (no one seems to actually know who invented it) and use it and improve upon it if possible.

So what’s so magical about Magic Mix?  I’m going to tell you.

Each version of the Magic mix recipe that I’ve seen is a combination of butter, flour, and instant non-fat milk powder.  Sounds kinda boring huh?  Butter, flour, milk powder?  Really?  What’s so special about this magical combination?

Oh, honey, let me tell ya!  You can make all kinds of deliciousness with this!  But it’s more than just making delicious items with this.  You can use this to replace other ingredients in recipes making it versatile.  It also is so much healthier than the ingredients that you’d be replacing with it.  I can see why whoever invented it called it “Magic Mix!”

Some of the items that you can use Magic Mix to make include chicken gravy or beef gravy, alfredo sauce, cream of mushroom soup, cream of chicken soup, creamy tomato soup, vanilla pudding, and so much more!

Uhuh, ready for the recipe yet?  Yep, I thought so.

Gourmet Food Storage - It's So Easy It's Magic (Mix)!

Magic Mix Recipe

2 1/4 C instant nonfat dry milk

1 C ghee or butter

1 C flour – Costco has a great deal on bulk flour!

Mix all the ingredients with a mixer in bowl and store in the fridge.  Here is what my latest batch of Magic Mix looks like when completed.

Can a recipe get more simple?!?  Just in case you’re wondering, it can’t, but I should give you a couple of notes about it.

Note 1

I can hear someone out there saying, “BUT KAREN, I have a child who can’t have gluten, so they can’t have flour.”  Yep.  Me too. We still make this recipe, but there’s a way to teak it for my child.  We will substitute one of two things for the flour in the recipe.  We will either use Costco’s Namaste Gluten Free Perfect Flour Blend or more often we’ll use Thrive Life’s Gluten Free Flour.  Either one will work well as a substitute, and the recipe turns out really well.

Note 2

If you’re wanting to make this as a part of your long-term storage plan, purchase ghee instead of butter.  What is ghee you ask?  Well, ghee is butter that’s had the milk solid’s and water removed.  To make ghee, you heat butter in the oven at 350 degrees for an hour.  You strain off the white solids and retain the golden yellow liquid.  When that golden yellow liquid is allowed to resolidify, you have ghee.  If all that was too much for you here’s a simple translation: ghee will keep longer without refrigeration than butter will.  Azure Standard is a wonderful place to get a good price on ghee.

Note 3

If you’re using butter – make sure it’s room temperature.  If you don’t, you’re going to be chasing clumps of butter around your bowl with your mixer.  Ask me how I know.  Yea.  Learn from my mistake.

What About You?

So what’s stopping you from making some of your own Magic Mix?  Please give it a try this week.  You’ll want to because you’ll need it to try out the gourmet food storage recipes that I’ll be giving you the next few weeks.

Together let’s Love, Learn, Practice, and Overcome

There are links in this post.  Some of the links may be affiliate links.  Some of the links may not be.  My promise to you is that I will only recommend the most economical version of the best quality of items to serve you. These are the items that I have bought for my own family.  You can feel free to use my affiliate links, of which I will get a small amount in compensation, or you can choose to search out your products on your own.

This is an update and republish of an article from April 6, 2018.