When things are going along smoothly, how often do you find yourself running to the hardware store to pick up things to repair something that broke or was damaged by a child or (oops) by yourself? But what if something happens and a trip to the hardware store isn’t […]
Preparing Our House Systems
If we put systems in place NOW to help run our house when we are without power or water, we will be so much better off. Here’s where you get that information.
Stuff People Forget to Prep – Medical Preps
So I sat down to start working on this week’s blog posts, but I opened my blogging planner but realized that I had had a brilliant idea for a short blog post series that I hadn’t written in my planner. Seriously, I mean it was brilliant. I remembered sitting at […]
Homesteading in the Burbs – One Aspect of Prepping that Looks “Normal”
According to Wikipedia, homesteading is “a lifestyle of self-sufficiency. It is characterized by subsistence agriculture, home preservation of food, and may also involve small-scale production of textiles, clothing, and craftwork for household use or sale.” Self-sufficiency It’s an important thing to consider when we’re talking about homesteading in the suburbs. […]
Using Fermentation to Build Up Your Immune System in Surprising Ways
Our Immune Systems Are Intricate Things Did you know that your gut is your second brain? It is, and it affects your actual brain, your sense of wellness, and ability to deal with stresses and pressures of life. Building off that premise, the GAPS diet was developed by a Mom who was also […]
Serious DIY Series – One Way to Prevent Infections
There are so many types of infections! There are ear infections, urinary tract infections. How about eye infections and skin infections. Infections can be a real problem now. I’ve read about one mom who lived more than an hour from a hospital. In the middle of an ice storm, her child […]
5 Basic Systems of Self-Sufficiency
What is self-sufficiency? If I asked you what self-sufficiency is, what would your answer be? I asked that very question on my personal page and on my facebook group last week. These were some of the responses I got. “To have all that you need or the ability to do/make/get […]
Our Year Started with a Shivering Bang
Our journey toward being more self-sufficient started with food storage, but it didn’t end there. A situation we lived through last week made me very glad that our journey didn’t begin and end with food storage. So, our 2018 started with a bang, around 7:30 the morning of January 1st, […]