Broken Bones and Preparedness

So a week ago last Monday, I was out running errands with my family.  My youngest daughter had an orthodontist appointment.  Ethan, my middle son needed some new dress pants, new tennis shoes, and strings for his new-to-us (but used) cello.  My oldest daughter needed some buttons for a shirt she was sewing, and I don’t leave my youngest home with his 16-year-old brother.  So I took four of my five children out with me.

We made several stops at the orthodontist, Goodwill, the music store – can I just say that even ‘cheap’ cello strings are highway robbery – then off to JoAnn Fabrics.  On our way into JoAnn Fabrics, the tip of my sandal caught the edge of the sidewalk.  It’s amazing that that’s all it takes to put me in a way that I can work well for four to six weeks.  When the tip of my sandal caught the edge of the sidewalk, I fell forward on my left knee and elbow.

There were so many different providences that were a part of the entire event.  My chiropractor, who I can see for free to me (it’s a perk of my husband’s work), was at my husband’s office at the time I fell.  He was able to feel the bone and tell me he thought it was broken.  I was able to get to a walk-in orthopedic clinic where, in less than two hours, they took five x-rays and I had a doctor’s appointment to tell me that, yes, indeed, my chiropractor was right and I had broken the tip of my left radius.

So last week, I reposted some articles here and here that I wrote for Daisy Luther over at The Organic Prepper.  This week, I’m going to give it my best.  I am typing with my arm on top of a nice cushy pillow.  It’s the only way that I can find enough relief from the pain when I type so that I can type.

Broken Bones and Preparedness

So What Can a Prepper Do When She Breaks Her Arm?

So what do you do when you break your arm.  I was fortunate that they do not cast this type of break.  I also have some friends who are very interested and are very helpful when it comes to alternative measures to help heal my arm.   A friend of mine shared this recipe and the ingredients to make it with me.  I want to share it with you.  This would be the same recipe no matter what you’ve broken.  This will NOT miraculously heal a broken arm.  It will help your body knit its own bones by providing it with what it needs.

Broken Bone Healing Helper Tea

1 C crumbled comfrey leaves

1/2 C mint

2 T horsetail

8 C boiled water

1/2 C honey


1.)  Steep for 8 hours then strain.

2.)  Store in the fridge.

3.)  Drink 1-2 C a day for 3 weeks


Do NOT go over 3 weeks.  Comfrey can put a load on the liver.  You need to give your liver a break after using it for three weeks.  Make sure you read more about comfrey below for full disclosure.

I wanted to give you a few tidbits of information about a couple of the ingredients in the tea.

Broken Bones and Preparedness


Comfrey was at one point known as “knit bone.”  According to the National Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery, “Herbs can be effective in reducing swelling pain and soreness of the fracture and also speed recovery of function.”

As a plant, comfrey is a perennial.  It has purple bell-shaped flowers, large black turnip-like root, and large hairy leaves. It is the leaves which are usually used to help bones and even cuts.

You should know that WebMD says the following:


“Comfrey is POSSIBLY SAFE for most people when applied to unbroken skin in small amounts for less than 10 days. It’s important to remember that the poisonous chemicals in comfrey can pass through the skin. Absorption of these chemicals increases if the skin is broken or if large amounts are applied.

“Comfrey is LIKELY UNSAFE for anyone when taken by mouth. It contains chemicals (pyrrolizidine alkaloids, PAs) that can cause liver damage, lung damage, and cancer. The FDA has recommended removal of oral comfrey products from the market.

“Special Precautions & Warnings:

“Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Comfrey is LIKELY UNSAFE to take by mouth or apply to the skin if you are pregnant or breast-feeding. In addition to causing liver damage and possibly cancer, the PAs in comfrey might also cause birth defects. Even topical use is unwise, since the PAs can be absorbed through the skin.”

I, personally, do not put a huge amount of stock in normal allopathic medicine.  It has a place and I have been thankful for it from time to time, but I use it with a bit of mistrust.  I don’t have a problem using comfrey internally on myself.  Comfrey may not be good for you though.  Make sure you do your own research.

Broken Bones and PreparednessHorsetail

Horsetail is a medicinal plant whose uses date back to the days of the Greeks and Romans.  They used it to treat kidney problems, stomach ulcers, and wounds.

According to

Horsetail contains high amounts of silica, a mineral essential for strong bones. In an Italian study, women with osteoporosis were observed to have increased bone density after a year of horsetail supplementation.

It’s because of this fact that it is used in the recipe above.

What About You?

Have you had a broken bone?  Have you ever used alternative treatments?  I’d love to hear!  Leave a comment below and let me know what you think.

Remember, knowledge isn’t just knowing something.  It’s living it!

There are links in this post.  Some of the links may be affiliate links.  Some of the links may not be.  My promise to you is that I will only recommend the most economical version of the best quality of items to serve you. These are the items that I have bought for my own family.  You can feel free to use my affiliate links, of which I will get a small amount in compensation, or you can choose to search out your products on your own.

One Comment

  1. So sorry to hear about your broken arm! Have you tried homeopathy? For pain – nothing works like Arnica montana 200 (take as needed for pain- could bump strength up to 1M). For healing of broken bones, Symphytum officinale 200 (twice daily). You can find homeopathy remedies at health food stores (call to be sure they have that strength), or Amazon, Washington Homeopathic Products, Boiron, ABC Homeopathy, and several other online companies. Feel free to email for more info.