WeIl, it’s January 1, 2022, and I’m sitting at my desk thinking back over last year on our new homestead and considering this new year that we’re facing. Normally by this time I would have all of my plans in place and started working toward (and purchasing for) their implementation. […]
30 Things That Will Clue You In That YOU Are THAT Prepper
It’s Christmastime, and I thought in lieu of our normal more informative posts, we could use a little levity. So to that end, I hope you get a kick out of 30 things that will clue you in that YOU are THAT prepper. You know you’re a prepper when….. 1.) […]
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas from My family to yours! I’m going to take this week off from blogging, so you can expect more great content as we prepare for 2022. I want to encourage you as we all prepare for Saturday to remember that Christmas isn’t about a jolly old elf or […]
TEOTWAWKI and Christmas
TEOTWAWKI (the end of the world as we know it) and Christmas? Really? What do the two have to do with each other? Well, this year, plenty actually. No, I’m not saying that we will be living in TEOTWAWKI this Christmas (while it’s a possibility, I don’t anticipate it). But […]
20 Quick and Easy Christmas Gifts to Make for Your Friends and Family
Can you believe Thanksgiving was last week! For many of us, it meant that we and/or a loved one may have a little extra time off work. But Thanksgiving day, while wonderful, gave way to Black Friday and the commercial Christmas season. Is that something you dread? Do you watch […]
Dialogue Between a New and Experienced Prepper – Part 2
So, if you missed the start of this dialogue last time, “Texas Girl” and Karen covered four questions: (1) What made you start prepping and how long have you been at it? (2) Are there some unusual (even funny) things you store? (3) Do you have a bug-out location? How […]
Serious DIY Series! Making a Simple Olive Oil Lamp
Is it Fall Already?!? Am I the only one who feels like we just enter 2021 with all the lockdowns and craziness? Can you believe it’s already October? It’s time to begin turning our attention to the next season of preparedness. We’re heading into cold dark months. And oh, that […]
5 Ways to Cook Without Power You Probably Haven’t Considered
I have discovered something about myself. I like having a plan. Do you ever find yourself wanting the same thing? Do you feel better if you have a plan in place whether it’s just a plan for your week or a plan for doing laundry if you’re without water or […]
Dialogue Between a New Prepper and an Experienced Prepper
Prepping has come into its own in the past few years as more and more people realize the importance of systematically and logically storing food and supplies for their families. And it’s not just for doomsday situations either – having extra goods set aside for your family gives you peace […]
Written by Nick Card More common day-to-day emergencies are worth preparing for even if they are not large scale disasters. Today is a normal Thursday! We hop out of bed, eat breakfast, drive to work, push through until time to head home, get a few tasks done before hitting the […]