30 Things That Will Clue You In That YOU Are THAT Prepper

It’s Christmastime, and I thought in lieu of our normal more informative posts, we could use a little levity.  So to that end, I hope you get a kick out of 30 things that will clue you in that YOU are THAT prepper.

You know you’re a prepper when…..

30 Things That Will Clue You In That YOU are THAT Prepper1.) You start to panic when you get down to six month’s worth toilet paper.

2.) You keep three or more years worth of vegetable seeds.

3.) Your preparedness books include Atlas Shrugged, Animal Farm, One Second After, and Backyard Homestead.

4.) You wonder which neighbors might be an asset and which ones might be a problem if everything goes south.

When you’re a prepper, you know things like….

5.) You know what the acronyms EDC, BOB, SHTF, and TEOTWAWKI mean.

6.) You’re almost excited when the electricity goes out.  You get to actually get to use your preps.

7.) People at random church events know that you’re the person to come to for everything from a screwdriver to bug spray to Benedryl.

8.) Your friends can go 30 Things That Will Clue You In That YOU are THAT Preppershopping in your basement and you still have tons of supplies leftover.

9.) You buy by the case (sometimes multiple cases) and not the can.

10.) You have an EDC pack, a Bug Out Bag, a Get Home Bag, and a car kit.

11.) You run tornado, fire, and bug out drills as a part of your homeschool curriculum.

30 Things That Will Clue You In That YOU are THAT Prepper12.) You stash chocolate away in the freezer so you have a stash for emergencies, because who can be without chocolate if there’s an emergency?

13.) Family cloth, mama cloth, menstrual cups are not only in your vocabulary but a part of life.

14.) You have three, four, or five kids share a bedroom so that you have a place to store your preps.

When you’re a prepper, you have confidence.  Like……

15.) When a snowstorm doesn’t bother you and you don’t have to “run to the store” for anything because you’ve got more than enough in your storage room.

16.) You’ve made soap, 30 Things That Will Clue You In That YOU are THAT Prepperdeodorant, toothpaste, lip balm, and hand lotion.

17.) You store gas masks as a part of an NBC kit.

18.) You see preparedness supplies in every aisle in almost every store.

19.) You are excited to get phone books (they are getting rarer) because you know that they are awesome as an emergency substitute for toilet paper.

30 Things That Will Clue You In That YOU are THAT Prepper20.) You’ve baked bread, doughnuts, bagels,  and English muffins from scratch.

21.) Your amazon ‘cart’ doubles as your wishlist of prepper supplies.

22.) You’ve purchased practice sutures and “skin” so you can learn to do stitches.

23.) This year when you purchased Christmas gifts, you sneaked some gifts in that will help people if life ever gets tough.

24.) You’ve carried your BOB 8 Lessons I Learned from Bugging Out Three Times on your last hike to make sure that you could carry it if you needed to.

25.) You are torn between throwing away things you don’t want to take up unnecessary space and keeping them because one day you might need them.

26.)  You’ve got a pressure canner and a water bath canner, and you’ve used them both.


When you’re a prepper while medical emergencies may concern you, you’re as prepared as you can be.   It means that….

27.)  You’ve got a fully stocked supply of fish antibiotics as well as herbal medicine, essential oils, and homeopathy.

30 Things That Will Clue You In That YOU are THAT Prepper28.)  You look at an antique store as a way to search for buried treasure.

29.) When you go to the store, you’ll still purchase beans for the meal on your menu this week despite having 6 cases of the same beans in your basement.  You might need those someday.

30.)  You’ve asked for a solar oven for Christmas.

How About You?

Which ones of these do you identify with?  Which other signs can you think of that YOU are THAT prepper?


  1. Good article. Thanks for the reinforcement that I’m getting there. Also for pointing out things I still need to work on!

  2. It’s true! I am THAT prepper!!!!

  3. Gosh when you add it all up….yikes! I am That prepper.
    Except for the “skin”…you can buy that?? Wow!

  4. timothy j mcphillips

    you are a master prepper when,
    1. the police come to you for backup, ammo or to borrow your armored vehicles
    2. your floors are sagging due to all the extra supplies you’re hoarding
    3. your kids can field strip guns faster than a marine gunnery sergeant
    4. your kids tan their own hides
    5. your wife has a recipe and canning solution for every wild beast on the continent and it tastes great
    6. your family has more extra shoes and boots than Imelda Marcos
    7. Winchester, federal, and Remington offer you cash for your reloading recipes
    8. gun manufacturers pay you to critique their new guns
    9. your family calls you the arsenal democracy
    10. you have a non aggression treaty with the four states surrounding yours

  5. Oh my, I’m THAT prepper. LOL